Government Code Title 1, Division 4, Chapter 2, Article 4 specifies the oath of office in Sections 1360 to 1369. Article 4 was enacted in 1943. Section 1360 provides that, following any election or appointment and, before any officer enters...
Government Code Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 1.5 deals with news coverage of governmental agencies. Chapter 1.5 was added to the law in 1965 and contains Sections 6090 and 6091. Section 6090 provides that “It is the public policy in...
There are rules for those leaving government service, which we refer to as the “revolving door” between the public and private sectors. Article IV, Section 5(e) of the California Constitution provides that “the Legislature shall enact laws that prohibit a...
There are multiple players who take part in setting education policy in the State of California. Beginning with the California Constitution, Article IX is focused on education. Article 9 was adopted in 1879 as part of the state constitution. This...
This article highlights the major happenings at the end of the legislative process pursuant to the California Constitution and relevant statutes. There are essentially three major parts to the legislative session: house of origin; second house; and, final month and...
The media play an important role in state and national politics, as well as with legislative strategy and ethics. Because of this high level of influence, the media are sometimes referred to as a fourth branch of government (often called...
One of the directives in drafting legislation is the “Plain English” rule. The purpose of this rule is for the bill drafter to use straightforward language that can be easily understood and interpreted as the Legislature intended. In that regard,...