In California’s Public Contract Code, there are provisions that deal with contracting by judicial branch entities. These provisions are contained in Part 2.5 of Division 2. Public Contract Code Section 19201 names Part 2.5 as the California Judicial Branch Contract...
The State of California is required to negotiate a memorandum of understanding for all of its employee bargaining units. This area of law is set forth in Government Code Title 1, Division 4, Chapter 10.3, which is titled “State Employer-Employee...
California Secretary of State Shirley Weber confirmed on Wednesday that the 2021 Governor recall election would be taking place due to a lack of voter signature withdrawal. Press play to hear a narrated version of this story, presented by AudioHopper....
The California State Auditor Elaine Howle just released a report exposing that the state distributed $9.5 billion in federal coronavirus relief funds with smaller counties receiving barely half of the funding per person than larger counties. “In August 2020, we...
The California Legislative Analyst Office (LAO), similar to the federal Congressional Budget Office (CBO), serves as the fiscal and policy advisor to the Legislature. It has done so for more than 75 years and the LAO is known for its...