In March of 2020, President Donald Trump announced the implementation of Title 42, the rarely used clause of the 1944 Public Health Services Law, which gave Customs and Border Protection the authority to rapidly expel illegal aliens attempting to invade...
One of the most frightening things I ever saw occurred in April of 2020. Gavin Newsom had just declared a “public health emergency,” seized “emergency” powers, and bureaucrats were running through the city in which I lived in “red-tagging” small...
The Biden administration has encouraged a massive border surge, with news media reporting 100,000 detentions last month. Biden vowed to not deport migrants for the first 100 days of his presidency, as well as promising to end illegal alien detention...
California, once known as the Golden State, is now quite tarnished, losing millions of residents and businesses, fleeing for a better way of life. No more is “California Callin” as the Beach Boys sang, or “California Dreamin” as the Mamas...
‘The First Amendment is my permit’ When the California Legislature reconvenes after being recessed for 7-8 weeks during the statewide COVID-19 lockdown, expect to see a complete political meltdown. And finger pointing. And overreactions. And an ongoing lack of...
The recovery rate of the coronavirus remains at 98%. Flattening the curve is already behind us, so why is the state still on lockdown? California hospitals are not and never were, overrun with coronavirus victims, and are in fact, laying...
While more than 3 million California citizens are awaiting state unemployment benefits because of Governor Gavin Newsom’s order for statewide lockdown, the governor announced last week he was extending $75 million to undocumented immigrants to be passed-through unnamed regional non-profit...