‘Chico has ignored the Camp Fire victims’ The 30 Cities People Are Running From reports that Chico, California is number #26. “Chico has one of the fastest growing crime rates. There is a big gap between the rich and...
Cities throughout the state of California saw their homeless populations surge in the last two years. Yet, Democrat politicians try to normalize homelessness, while at the same time, try to make California residents accept epidemic levels of homeless as a...
The downtown Sacramento neighborhood of Land Park is under siege by drug addled homeless who live on the streets and in the park. They break into homes, cars, garages, sheds, defecate, urinate and vomit on the streets, shoot up in...
California Democrats frequently conflate “legal” and “illegal” immigrants when they debate legislation expanding government services to those in California illegally. When called out on this important distinction in the Senate Wednesday, they reacted with accusations of “racism, bigotry and xenophobia”...
Los Angeles could be at risk of a deadly typhus epidemic this summer according to Dr. Drew Pinsky, an outspoken celebrity doctor and specialist in addiction medicine. Pinsky, a Los Angeles native, recently quoted on Fox News, said: “We have tens and tens...
A bill by Sen. Anna Caballero (D-Salinas) to expedite California Environmental Quality Act provisions and judicial reviews on many types of developments, exposed a divide in the State Senate Thursday. The idea behind SB 25 is to expedite CEQA litigation,...
California has roughly 134,000 homeless people, amounting to one-quarter of the nation’s total homeless population. In Will $1 Billion Spending on California’s Homeless Fix the Problem?, California Globe covered a myriad of issues surrounding California’s homeless explosion including how tiny...