On September 29, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 152, authored by the Assembly Committee on Budget. The bill adds and repeals Article 9.1 (commencing with Section 12100.96) of Chapter 1.6 of Part 2 of Division 3 of Title 2...
Even by national standards, state ballot initiative campaigns in California are big time politics. You can run a campaign for U.S. Senator in most states in America for less than it costs to qualify and successfully campaign to pass a...
Fresh from accusing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis of “kidnapping” illegal immigrants because he had them transported to the liberal shores of Martha’s Vineyard California Governor Gavin Newsom has challenged DeSantis to a debate. DeSantis’s campaign spokesman seemed to pooh pooh...
In April 2022, the Biden administration announced it had created the Disinformation Governance Board – its own Ministry of Truth – a part of the Department of Homeland Security. Americans from all walks of life were horrified. The Biden administration made...
Politicians and pundits like to sound smart, especially when they are not. Like the man who buys a Porsche to compensate for certain personal shortcomings, people in office and the people who talk about them throw around theoretically fancy terms...
Thursday and Friday U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm will travel to Southern California to tour the site of one of the first electrified truck dealerships in America. Secretary Granholm just happens to be visiting California during such an “extreme...
UPDATE BELOW: Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday morning he will discuss the heat wave expected to hit California and the entire West Coast starting today and lasting through Labor Day weekend until next Wednesday. Is this because a heat wave is...