“A “homeless” transient guy out on the streets despite his recent violation of parole, has been arrested for raping and murdering a Sacramento woman in the Land Park neighborhood Friday, killing her dogs and setting her house on fire,” the...
To paraphrase a quaint, though sadly ignored, saying, California has one week to flatten the Newsom. No matter what happens next Tuesday (or Thursday or October 12 or whenever), many wrong lessons will be learned. If Newsom prevails, the deep...
A “homeless” transient guy out on the streets despite his recent violation of parole, has been arrested for raping and murdering a Sacramento woman in the Land Park neighborhood Friday, killing her dogs and setting her house on fire. Troy...
It is heart-wrenching and mind-boggling. It is self-harm and societal-harm. It is exasperating and infuriating. It is depressing and destructive. It is sympathy and dystopia. It is empathy and myopia. It is the homeless problem in California. With an estimated...
During an August 19th interview with a panic-stricken Gov. Gavin Newsom, reporter Elex Michaelson asked Newsom if there’s really anything a new Republican governor could do with super-duper Democratic majorities in the legislature and with every statewide office in the...
There is a saying in California politics (popularized by Willie Brown) that, when it comes to big projects, one should just “start digging a hole and make it so big, there’s no alternative to coming up with the money to...
The Wall Street Journal has published an opinion piece by editorial writer James Freeman that is supportive of the lawsuit filed against California Governor Gavin Newsom for exceeding his legal authority in repealing California’s lethal injection death penalty regulations and ordering the dismantlement of...