The Center for Disease Control posted its Thanksgiving Guidelines this week, which look strangely familiar to California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Oct. 9 document, “Mandatory Requirements for All Gatherings,” directing all private family “gatherings” to limit the number of attendees, and...
Earlier this week, Assemblyman Marc Berman (D-Palo Alto) announced that he will introduce a bill this coming session to require by-mail ballots to go out to voters in every state election. The bill would be a follow up to Governor...
On Tuesday, all three Disneyland hotels announced that no more room reservations could be made through the end of the year. The announcement by Disney, while not unexpected, made Disney hotels only the latest business to be severely affected by...
On Tuesday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed 39 pardons, commutations, and medical reprieves of criminals who either have been or still are incarcerated. Of the 39 signed on Tuesday, 22 were pardons, 13 were commutations, and 4 were medical reprieves caused...
On Tuesday, Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly, a cabinet-level secretary in the Newsom administration, announced that 11 Californian counties would be moving into more restrictive tiers as the number of new cases and the positivity rates in...
On Tuesday, Congressman Harley Rouda (D-CA) conceded the 48th Congressional district election to Republican Michelle Steel. Rouda and Steel had been in an a neck-to-neck race in Orange County, with Steel only being back three points in mid October. However,...
Gov. Gavin Newsom issued his big, overarching statewide coronavirus lockdown order March 19, 2020 – eight months ago, ordering all Californians to say at home for two weeks to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus so hospitals would not be...