A bill author can amend his or her bill in two different instances. These are called “author’s amendments” and they can occur before formal committee or floor action, or during those times. The first type of author’s amendment occurs before...
What is the importance of a quorum and how is it established? In the California Legislature, according to the Office of Legislative Counsel, “a quorum must be recorded in order for legislative business to be transacted.” For example, Section 7(a)...
What is a “deferral clause”? Basically, a deferral clause is used when one bill “defers” to another bill concerning which provisions will take effect. The following is an example from a recent bill: Any section of any act enacted by...
In reviewing recently-passed legislation that proposes amendments to the California State Lottery Act, as enacted by the voters by Prop. 37 in 1984, the same legislative finding and declaration is made in each bill. It is a simplistic statement that...
With talk of a possible special session beginning on December 5, 2022 when the California Legislature convenes its 2023-24 Regular Session, another question that has been posed is whether the Legislature can be recalled from its current joint recess? The...
The California Legislature can meet in regular, special, or joint sessions. A “session” is the designated period of time in which the Legislature meets. A “joint” session, which can occur in a regular or special session, is one in which...
Are there really two different types of sections contained in a bill? And are there actually two different types of amendments contained in bills? Yes. Sections Bills contain two different types of “sections” – bill sections and code sections. So,...