In addition to extraordinary or special sessions being called by the Governor, California allows for special sessions in “fiscal emergencies.” Adopted by the voters in March 2004 as Proposition 58, Section 10 of Article IV of the California Constitution was...
What is the importance of a quorum and how is it established? In the California Legislature, according to the Office of Legislative Counsel, “a quorum must be recorded in order for legislative business to be transacted.” For example, Section 7(a)...
When drafting legislation in California, there are several sources of guidance in drafting bills and other forms of legislation (resolutions and constitutional amendments). The first source is the California Constitution. What legislation drafting guidance is contained in the state Constitution?...
In legislation creating a new type of special district (a form of local government in this state whose number are in excess of 2,000 entities) that receives tax revenues, Article XIII, Section 29 of the California Constitution has to be...
What is Mason’s Manual and why is its role in the California Legislature? Originally published in 1935, “Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure,” commonly referred to as Mason’s Manual, is the official parliamentary authority of most state legislatures in the United...
Both the California Governor and the Lieutenant Governor have formal roles in the lawmaking process, despite the fact that this authority is granted to the legislative branch of state government pursuant to Article IV of the California Constitution. Article IV,...
The California Constitution, in Article IV, Section 8(b)(3), clearly states the following: “No bill may be passed unless, by rollcall vote entered in the journal, a majority of the membership of each house concurs.” As a result, in the state...