How Can You Tell Which Daily File Is for the Special Session?

The Assembly Daily File for the special session only lists the purposes of the special session

California Senate Chambers. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)

For both the Assembly Daily File and the Senate Daily File, there are just two distinctions between the regular and special sessions: color and title.

The color of the regular session publications is grey, like a traditional newspaper print. At the top, it says the 2023-24 Regular Session.

The color of the special session publications in blue. At the top, it says the 2023-24 First Extraordinary Session.

The Assembly Daily File for the special session only lists the purposes of the special session, pursuant to the Governor’s proclamation. On the other hand, the Senate Daily File for the special session sets forth the entire gubernatorial proclamation.

The following are examples from the Senate Daily File and Assembly Daily Files for the regular and special sessions:

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Chris Micheli: Chris Micheli is a lobbyist with Aprea & Micheli, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law.

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