Embittered City Councilwoman Nury Martinez Resigns Amid Racist Comment Recording Scandal

Los Angeles City Councilwoman Nury Martinez resigned  on Wednesday following four days  of political leaders, LA citizens, and lawmakers from…

Evan Symon

What Committee Actions Can Occur Without a Quorum?

Before any official legislative business can be conducted in a policy or fiscal committee, or on either Floor of the…

Chris Micheli

Caruso, Bass Hold More Civil Debate In Wake Of LA Council’s Racist Remarks Scandal

Los Angeles Mayoral candidates Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) and real estate developer Rick Caruso met for a third debate Tuesday…

Evan Symon

Some Practical Notes About Special Sessions of the California Legislature

With a likely special session beginning in early December when the Legislature convenes its 2023-24 Session, there are several practical…

Chris Micheli

Lawsuit Filed to Halt ‘Cancel-Culturalists’ Name Change of UC Hastings College of the Law

Last month, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation authorizing the changing of the name of the University of California Hastings…

Evan Gahr

Fiscal Emergency Special Sessions

In addition to extraordinary or special sessions being called by the Governor, California allows for special sessions in “fiscal emergencies.”…

Chris Micheli

Is a Rule Waived or Suspended in the CA Legislature?

We hear most often in the California Legislature that a rule is being “waived” or that someone is seeking a…

Chris Micheli

Malia Cohen’s Refusal to Denounce Socialist Governments Speaks Volumes

Earlier this month, a news clip from CNN surfaced showing that Malia Cohen, the Democratic nominee for state controller, traveled…

Janet Nguyen

Globe Exclusive: Schools Superintendent Candidate Lance Christensen Debunks Editorial Board

In March, in a Globe exclusive, Lance Christensen announced his candidacy for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction. “What would a…

Katy Grimes

LA Citizens Sound Off On Resignation Call For Councilmembers Caught Making Racist Remarks During City Council Meeting

Hundreds of Protesters gathered outside the Los Angeles City Hall on Tuesday to protest  the first City Council meeting following…

Evan Symon